Current Main Activites
Programming: Since 1992 Controradio has had a central role in the production and diffusion of programmes aimed to give political and practical information to local citizens.
Controradio produces and broadcasts news bullettino, informative programmes insight journalistic shows, in depth analysis of current affairs, music, cultural and entertainments programmes
- Cultural activities: Controradio is also involved in cultural and entertainment events: since 1984, with the participation of Comune di Firenze (Council of Florence), it organizes the “ Rock Contest”, a national festival for unsigned, upcoming bands. Another of the cultural events organized by the radio station was “Station to Station: moving creativity”. The main core of the festival was young creativity and its five editions were realized thanks to the sponsorship of Comune di Firenze (Council of Florence).
- In-dept programmes: Among the various Controradio’s in-dept programmes we point out: “Lezioni di Stili, le buone pratiche del vivere quotidiano” (Styles lessons – the good practises of everyday life). This is a weekly editorial and investigative journalist style programme on critical consumption, how to live a more environmentally friendly life style, fair trade and responsible tourism.
The radio is also constantly involved in campaigns for the promotion of recycle and renewable energy sources through ads, editorials and live coverage.Controradio produces informational and editorial style programmes on music, culture and current affairs together with news bulletins on Italy and other countries among which Europe and its member countries.For instance, every night at 8pm on the National Network, goes on air the clip “Esteri” a program on European countries political affairs. The program talks about complicate and difficult to gather issues – like some of the European countries politics - in a straight forward and charming way.
In the recent past Controradio has been participating to projects concerning Europe and the diffusion of information about its activities:
WE ARE THE EUROPEANS 2. YOUNG PEOPLE IN THE OLD CONTINENT (on going). This communication project previews the realization of activities aimed at informing citizens and, in particular, young citizens on how the European Parliament’s activities have a positive impact on their daily life. The goal of the project will be to communicate and eighlights these actions. The communication tools that will be used will be mostly interactive and very efficient and direct in order to attract a young audience. The communication approach will be horizontal and empathetic. This approach will be possible thanks to the involvement of young stakeholders in all the steps of project, with an empathetic and horizontal communication: “young people communicating with young people".
WE ARE THE EUROPEANS! HOW THE EURO-PARLIAMENT IMPROVES OUR EVERYDAY LIVES (2013 - 2014) - The project consists in a multimedia/radio campaign on European politics. The main aim of this project is to spread knowledge and information about the European Parliament.
EUROPA RADIO QUIZ – Approved by Dg Com of European Parliament in December 2008.This project started on January 2009 and is broadcasted on Controradio till February 2010. The main aim of this project is to spread knowledge and information about the European Parliament. The project considers the production and broadcast of 44 informational clips of 90 seconds length realized in Controradio’s studios and at the European Parliament. Those clips will be broadcasted weekly for one year (once a week for 44 weeks) and they are replied three times a day for three days. The programmes are coupled with a quiz game with prizes. The quiz is broadcasted weekly and contains questions on the European Parliament and, more specifically, on the issues treated on the program previously on air.
EUROPE ON YHE RADIO – A project financed by the Antenna Europedirect of Tuscany. This project is currently broadcasted on Controradio. The main core of the project is the production and broadcast of 32 weekly programmes (composed by 5 minutes of in – depth news and 25 minute of a magazine style program) with the aim of informing, keep updating and involving the listeners on European Union politics, activities and institutions – with a particular attention on news and happenings that have a direct influence on European citizens’ lives. The programmes are produced by Controradio and realized following the idea of involving listeners in order to create a sense of belonging to the Union and, therefore, to reinforce people’s European identity.
The project started in 2007 and it will be finished at the end of 2009. The programmes are broadcasted on all the radios belonging to Toscana Network (Tuscan Network), in order to cover the whole regional territory.
Founded by the European Commission: DG Press and Communication.The project was realized by Promofirenze and other partners were Infopoint of the Council of Florence and Controradio which was responsible for the production of the programmes. The output of the project was the realization of radio-tv documentaries based on commercial projects and actions financed by the European Union. Those documentaries have been broadcasted on a pool of Tuscan radio and television stations.
MONDOBABELE ( Babel world) 1992/1997; 2000
A series of radio programmes. Produced by Controradio, dedicated to foreign citizens with Multilanguage news bulletins (Italian, Wolof, Chinese, Arabic, Albanian, English, French and Spanish), information on everyday life activities (legislation, visa, accommodations, food allowances), interviews and editorials on the main topics treated. The project was carried out for 4 editions and was financed by Tuscan Region – Department of Immigration and European Union DG V, in collaboration with the Italian Trade Union CGIL, COSPE Ngo, and Office for refugees and Migrants of the Evangelic churches of Italy. The last edition of the program was broadcasted on 9 radio stations in Tuscany covering the whole regional territory.
Some data about the radio:
The national Audiradio’s pool (second semester of 2015) , confirmed how rooted is Controradio in the territory it covers, with an average of 34,000 daily listeners, and 107ß,000 on a 7 days-before basis. (GFK EURISKO 2015).
According to this pool, Controradio is one of the most tuned in radio station in Tuscany and, thanks to its cultural and informative schedule, it represents the first informational radio station in Tuscany. Moreover Controradio has an internet website ( with photos, audio and video contents on news and music. It is constantly updated and it registers 40.000 daily visits.
Controradio’s facebook page reach weekly about 100.000 people, reaching up to 250.000 and has more than 38.000 fans (I Like).