A joint Model EU Simulation (MEU)
The MEU enables UNIFI students and John Madison University Students to develop skills of research, policy analysis, negotiation, team-building, decision-making and cross-cultural communication. It is co-sponsored by the two universities, in the framework of a broader cooperation agreement. 30 to 40 students of both the Master Degree in International Relations and European Studies from the University of Florence and the Master in EU Policy Studies from James Madison University work in teams throughout the academic year as part of what is a cultural and social as well as an academic exchange, including periodic workshops with JMU and UNIFI faculty and with EU PRACTITIONERS associated with the initiative since 2009. From the latter, students learn about the day-to-day workings of the EU's most important institutions and step into the shoes of EU decision-makers.
Students' cooperation reaches a pinnacle in the summer during the final event, where teams representing ministers from EU member states negotiate solutions to current policy dilemmas in a Council of the European Union simulation. The final simulation debate has traditionally taken place in the prestigious Salone dei Duecento of Palazzo Vecchio, seat of the government of Florence.
This year took place the ninth edition. It started in November 2016 and developed through a several workshops with EU practitioners (from the European Parliament and the European External Acton Service). The simulation took place on Wednesday 24 March 2017 at Villa Salviati (location of the EU archives) following the ordinady procedures of the Foreign Affairs Council.
The Simulatio is part of the activities of the SharEU program and it is co-financed by the Erasmus+ Programme.