The Renaissance of Local Government - European Municipalities in Transition
Joint EUROLOC Ph.D.-Training School organized by the University of FLORENCE, Dept. of Political and Social Sciences and Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, ECPR/LOGOPOL and EURA Summer School Cooperation, the Research Network “Local Public Sector Reforms” (LocRef), the Municipality of Florence and the Tuscany Unit of the Italian National Municipal Association (ANCITOSCANA).
June 12th to June 17th, 2017
Venue: PALAZZO MEDICI RICCARDI, Via Camillo Cavour, 3, 50129 Firenze
Prof. Annick Magnier ( and Prof. Andrea Lippi (andrea.lippi - University of Florence
Staff: dr. Margherita Turchi (
Program (PDF)
Controradio Firenze realized two interviews during the event on Monday 12th June.
- Interview with Prof. Dr. Luca Mannori, Director of the Department of Political and Social Sciences, and Prof. Dr. Laura Leonardi, Coordinator of the Center of Excellence Jean Monnet (link)
- Interview with Cristina Giachi, Deputy Mayor of Florence (link)
- Interview with Prof. Dr. Annick Magnier and Prof. Dr. Andrea Lippi, the organizators of the event (link)
- Interview with Simone Gheri, ANCI Toscana, and Maurizio Viligiardi, Mayor of Sangiovanni Valdarno (link)
- Interview with Prof. Laurence Rose, University of Oslo (link)
- Photo gallery (link)