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Programma SharEU - Centro di Eccellenza Jean Monnet
Home page > Activities and events > OpenLectures > La segregazione urbana - Urban segregation

Urban segregation - Open Lecture by Marco Oberti

On Thursday 18 May, Marco Oberti, director of the Observatoire Sociologique du Changement, Sciences-po Paris, gave an open lecture on urban segregation.

The lecture took place at 10.30, at Polo delle Scienze Sociali, building D15-004.

Flier of the event (pdf)


Although a series of general interpretations on the evolving social structure of cities are available and the place of upper and lower classes in these cities has been the object of extensive research, few recent empirical studies have focused on urban situations and practices of the middle classes. Oberti proposes to examine the most structural theses in the field of urban sociology in order to highlight the issues they raise about the middle classes and to compare them to the available results on the Paris metropolis.


last update: 06-Sep-2018
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