The linguistic future of the EU: a political choice?
Nicholas Brownless, Francesca Ditifeci and Jessica Thonn (University of Florence) - 26th April 2018, Social Sciences Campus
Language is what characterised human beings as speaking beings, so “language” is “politics”. Aristotele outlined Polis as a “Political Unity”, a community which first of all shares the same language, the foundation of its Identity and Culture. For this reason to create a community/country/state/nation a common change is the First Founding Element, the Conditio Sine Qua Non (es. Alexander the Great, Dante et al.) Language is consequently the first essential ingredient of and for power, power of International Relations, power of one nation over other nations, in other words of international power. During the meeting the importance of the English language has been deepened, above all inside the European union. The English won't lose importance after the Brexit, even if on the matter you/he/she has opened a debate.
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